Product Description
Aire-O2® 2 Hp 208/230 1-Ph Series II Aspirator Aerator
The Series II operates by creating a partial vacuum under the water, drawing air through the shaft and dispersing it into the water in a horizontal direction. As the propeller rotates, it induces a flow of atmospheric air through the air intake ports on the shaft located above the water surface. This air is then drawn through the shaft, past the propeller, and exits in a high velocity stream of fine bubbles as it is diffused into the water. Please refer to the drawing and photo below.
Oxygen Dispersion is Key!
The most important element when selecting an aerator for aquaculture usage regardless of the application is oxygen dispersion. Oxygen dispersion involves both thorough subsurface circulation and oxygenation to create a destratified pond environment where temperature and oxygen levels are uniform throughout the entire pond. This concept is of the utmost importance to all aquatic species as it fosters a healthier environment that will lead to increased size, increased survival and thus increased profit to the aquaculturist. Since species like shrimp are bottom dwellers, it is critical to have the oxygen distributed to the bottom layer of the pond where these species live and thrive. Also, thorough mixing and distribution of oxygen aids in the control of animal and feed wastes, keeping pond bottoms cleaner and decreasing risks of disease. The Series II is the most technologically advanced aerator in the marketplace today which is capable to accomplish both mixing and oxygenation in one single unit due to its superior design which has been demonstrated for over 35 years.
The Importance of Fine Bubbles
Aeration Industries® International has spent over $1 million USD on the design and production of the propellers of its Aire-O2® aerators. The result of this investment is that the Aire-O2® Aerator is the only aerator in the industry certified by the US EPA as a "fine bubble aerator". This designation means that the average bubble size emitted from the Series II is less than 2.2 mm in size which is critical to both oxygen dispersion and oxygen transfer. The smaller the bubble from an aerator, the longer this bubble stays in the water. And the longer the bubble can stay in the water, the greater the opportunity this bubble has to become dissolved oxygen or DO.
Proof Is in the Mixing!
The importance of oxygen dispersion and mixing is evident from a Dye Test conducted at Auburn University. A 2Hp Aire-O2® aerator was placed into a one acre pond. After just 32 minutes, the entire pond was completely mixed and circulated. Meanwhile, a competitive 3Hp surface splasher aerator after 80 minutes showed only local oxygenation and poor mixing.
Multiple Angles of Entry
The Series II can be adjusted from 30 degrees to 45 degrees for optimal mixing, oxygen dispersion, and destratification and is suitable for all species and pond depths.
Simplicity of Design = Low Maintenance
Most aquaculture applications require the usage of aeration in the night time as DO levels are significantly lower from the daytime levels (due to photosynthesis gains from sunlight). Imagine being able to sleep easy knowing that your aeration system will make it through the night without any emergencies! Due to its very simple design, the Series II is regarded as the industry workhorse in terms of its reliability, durability and toughness.